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莫纳什大学FIT 5195Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing课程辅导
摘要 莫纳什大学FIT 5195Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing课程该单元旨在为学生提供理解商业智能系统的框架,以及通过数据仓库为决策支持提供高质量的集成数据。

  莫纳什大学FIT 5195Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing课程,This unit is intended to provide students with a framework for understanding business intelligence systems as well as the provision of high quality, integrated data for decision support through data warehousing. The unit has a particular focus on the evolutionary process of developing data warehousing using relational database management systems, and multi-dimensional modelling for structuring business intelligence data. The unit also presents students with coverage of several important aspects of data warehousing, including architecture, design, implementation, and optimisation. The unit will present this material using relevant research, case studies and practical exercises. Students will develop data warehouse modelling and OLAP using relational database management systems.

  莫纳什大学FIT 5195Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing课程该单元旨在为学生提供理解商业智能系统的框架,以及通过数据仓库为决策支持提供高质量的集成数据。 该单元特别关注使用关系数据库管理系统开发数据仓库的演化过程,以及用于构建商业智能数据的多维建模。 该单元还向学生介绍了数据仓库的几个重要方面,包括架构,设计,实施和优化。 该单位将使用相关研究,案例研究和实践练习来介绍这些材料。 学生将使用关系数据库管理系统开发数据仓库建模和OLAP。

  莫纳什大学FIT 5195Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing课程本课程介绍是由往届学长学姐回忆编辑而成。

  莫纳什大学FIT 5195Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing课程课程名字听起来挺吓人,但是是一门纯理论的课程,都是简单基础的BI和DW的概念。考试内容好多都是Sample中的,好好背 PPT 哦!

  FIT 5195课程讲解, FIT 5195作业讲解, FIT 5195考试冲刺作业在线辅导咨询海师帮教育一对一提升。

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