FIT 5137莫纳什大学官网Database Analysis and Processing 课程介绍This unit examines advanced database technology. This unit particularly covers three main types of advanced database technologies, including (i) document store, (ii) wide column store, and (iii) graph database. These three systems represent the broad spectrum of NoSQL databases . The underlying theoretical foundations, such as database modelling, transactions, and graph query processing will also be explored.
莫纳什大学FIT 5137课程本单元检查高级数据库技术。该单元特别涵盖三种主要类型的高级数据库技术,包括(i)文档存储,(ii)宽列存储,以及(iii)图形数据库。这三个系统代表了广泛的NoSQL数据库。还将探索基础理论基础,例如数据库建模,事务和图形查询处理。
莫纳什大学FIT 5137课程本课程介绍是由往届学长学姐回忆编辑而成。
莫纳什大学FIT 5137课程这门课程因为大家已经有了必修课的铺垫,学起来并没有很费事。但是仍然需要查阅额外的资料才能顺利过关。